The International Conference of Integrative Psychotherapy
“Approaching well-being from an integrative and interdisciplinary perspective”,
5-6 MARCH 2011
Bucharest, Romania 


Saturday – 5 march 2011

08.00-09.30 Registration

9.30-11.10 Opening ceremony  - Platinum Room

  1. Mihai Anitei, President, The Psychologists’ College of Romania (CPR)
  2. Augustin Cambosie, Vice-President, The Romanian Federation for Psychotherapy (F.R.P.)
  3. Ken Evans, The European Interdisciplinary Association for Therapy with Children and Young People
  4. Emilia Stoimenova, President, The European Interdisciplinary Association for Therapy with Children and Young
  5. Michael Randolph, Vice-President, The European Association for Integrative Psychotherapy (EAIP)
  6. Vladimir Simon, NCB for the European Year of Volunteering in Romania, Representation of the European Commission in Romania
  7. Mara Priceputu, President, The Romanian Institute for Integrative Psychotherapy

11.10-11.30 Coffee break

11.30-13.30 Workshops I

Speakers Workshop Title Room

Dr. Emoke Tarjan, Psih. Gyorgy Gaspar

Workshop 1
„ Integrative Family Psychotherapy: Between Scientific Theories and Practical Experiences„


Prof. Univ. Dr. Mihaela Minulescu

Workshop 2
„Symbol Analysis by Sandplay Technique and Fairy-tales Amplifications„

Dr. Psih. Ken Evans, Psih. Joanna Evans

Workshop 3
“Shame and Self: The Impact on Identity, Development and Relationship”


13.30-14.30 Lunch Break
14.30-15.00 Poster Session,  Platinum Room
Name and Surname Poster Title
Radu Albotă
“Therapeutic Metaphor – Integrating Element of Therapies”
Arcu Gabriela
“Social Phobias in  Integrative Psychotherapy ”
Luminiţa Carmina Codrescu
„Smoking Addiction Therapy”
Maria-Laura Cojocaru
“Aggressiveness in Couples”
Alina Marina Duţă
„Depression. An Integrative Perspective.”
Claudia Folţun
„Beyond Pain. Psychological Interventions in Cronic Pain.”
Pavel Grigore
„ EGO Lost and Rediscovered in Speech”
Aurelia – Gina Ignat
„ Developing Emotional Intelligence and Social Skills During Preschool – An Integrative Approach”
Alina - Irina Mircea
“ Integrative Psychotherapeutical Approach of Pacients
Diagnosed with Incurable Diseases ”
Elena Muller
„ Relationship and Spirituality as Means of Integrative Psychotherapy ”
Oana Naşcu
„ Social Representation of Psychology: a Holistic, Multiprofessional Perspective ”
Sorin Nica
„ Existential Psychotherapy - Integral Part of Integrative Psychotherapy”
Sorin Nica
„ Psychotherapy Elements Applied to Patients with Psychotic Disorders”
Ristea Mihaela
„The Psychotherapeutic Relationship in Integrative Psychotherapy”
Strugariu Sabina
„Couple’s Relationship from the Perspective of Well-being. Integrative Psychotherapeutic Strategie.”
Vernescu Roxana
„ As I See Psychotherapy’s Role in Romanian Society ”
15.00 – 16.30 Workshops II
Speakers Workshop Title Room
Dr. Augustin Cambosie,  Psih. Mara Priceputu, psih. Anca Donţu, Cătălina Drăgulănescu, Virgil Ricu
Workshop 4
“Integrative Psychotherapy and Integration in Psychotherapy”
Domnica Petrovai
Workshop 5
““Depression as a Way of Avoiding Future Losses”
Coca Dumitru –Psih. Cl., Ramona Pavel – speech therapist, Psih. Maria Calin,  Cristina Serban – Neuropsychiatrist
Workshop 6
“Intervention and Creativity in Integrative Psychotherapy – Multidisciplinary Approach”

16.30 - 16.50 – Coffee Break

16.50 – 18.30 Workshops III

Speakers Workshop Title Room

Prof. Univ. Dr. Mihai Anitei , Psih. Viorel Pasca, psih. Mihaela Craif

Workshop 7
““Exploration of the Biological Dimension in Integrative Psychotherapy with the help of Physiological Indicators”


Michael Randolph

Workshop 8
“Looking Carefully at Wellness”


19.00- Social Program Dinner – Restaurant Avalon, Howard Johnson Grand Plaza

Sunday – 6 march 2011

09.30 – 11.00  Workshops IV

Speakers Workshop Title Room

Prof. Univ. Dr. Ruxandra Rascanu, Mara Priceputu

Research Sessions
„Current Research in Pychology and Psychotherapy“

Coca Dumitru, Dr.pimar psihiartru Diana Cîrjaliu Meliu

“From Friendship to Crimiogenesis”

C. Marineanu,  V. Marineanu
"The Influence of Self-esteem Subtypes on Aggression in Young People”
Prof. Univ. Dr. Ruxandra Rascanu, Dan Craşovan, Mara Priceputu

“The analysis of defence mechanisms and coping strategies in the medical personnel of the intensive care ward, University Hospital Timisoara”

Prof. Univ. Dr. Ruxandra Rascanu, Viorel Paşca, Mara Priceputu

„Objective and subjective in approaching well-being in integrative psychotherapy”
Phd. Dan Florin Stănescu
“Family Functioning And Adolescents’ Psychological Well-Being In Families With a CNS Injured Parent”

Mediator Daniel Vieru

Workshop 10
“ Elements of conflict management in the dynamic of divorce ”

Dr. Ileana Antonescu Botezat

Dr. Mariana Săvulescu –Book launch “Imaginile, Limbajul sufletului” / “Images. Language of the soul”
Workshop 11
Integrated Services of Mental Health in Romania – realizations and obstacles


11.00 – 11.20 Coffe Break


Workshop Title Room

11.20 – 12.45Panel, Prof. Dr. Emilija Stoimenova Canevska, Margareta Mesic, Karen Davies – Hough, Ken Evans, Joanna Evans, Mara Priceputu –

„Working Together with Children”
13.00- 14.30 – Emoke Tarjan, Gaspar Gyorgy 
 « The Integration of Specialists in the Therapeutic Context of the XXI Century »»
14.30 –15.00 - Closing ceremony – Room Platinum.







 Dr. Emoke TARJAN,

Psih. Gyorgy GASPAR


Integrative Family Psychotherapy: between scientific theories and practical experiences


      Integrative Family Psychotherapy is a specific intervention intended to reassure well being for people who are a part of a homelike system, through the development of new roles and of desirable behaviours. The main objective of the intervention is to make cognitive and emotional schemes flexible, in order to mend intra- and interpersonal experiences.

     Our workshop proposes to develop the level of competence of the practitioners by offering new models of intervention and approach of the people who form the family system. The specific concepts of the object relations theory, of the theory cantered on compassion and the contextual perspective are some of the elements which define our integrative approach in working with children and families.

      The particularity of our workshop is the focus on practical and interactive activities meant to facilitate the process of comprehension and the application of new psychotherapeutic strategies of intervention.



Prof. Univ. Dr. Mihaela MINULESCU


„Symbol analysis by sandplay technique and fairy-tales amplifications”



Personal material includes the soul problems of the child  expressed by the sandplay image, and symbolically structured, and enables to evaluate the ego state and typology. Image is richer comparative with words contents, and may express a pre-verbal recessive state. Could express the violence enclosed in the "inside child" of the adult analyzed. We discuss the way symbol amplification by using fairy-tales support the inside healing process, and topics of the inside wound and cure visualized in sandplay image.


 Dr. Psih. Ken EVANS, Psih. Joanna EVANS


Shame and Self:  The Impact on Identity, Development and Relationship”


      Shame is often referred to as the master emotion, or regulator of the field.  It affects the development of identity and self esteem creating a sense of self loathing, and inadequacy, of being wrong in the eyes of the other.   Shame debilitates us and damages our interpersonal relationships.   Those of us for whom shame has become internalised know the sinking feeling as its slimy tentacles   envelope us without warning, bringing with them a vortex of defences.

      Shame develops in relationship, both through our primary care takers and in our education systems.  The potential for shame is evoked each time a child experiences his/ her needs as unacceptable or wrong, developing over time into a sense of being wrong, of being  too much or not enough, of being unlovable.

     This workshop will explore the aetiology of shame and how we learn often unhelpful or inappropriate ways of defending ourselves against it limiting our lives and our relationships.   We will look at how we can begin to work with shame both in ourselves and with our clients.   In doing so we will also explore how we can mitigate the potential for shame in our relationships with children,  thus contributing to a less shaming and more supportive future society.



 Dr. Augustin CAMBOSIE



Integrative Psychotherapy and the integration in psychotherapy ”



This workshop aims to have the form of an interactive activity for the exploration of the specific in Integrative Psychotherapy and of what we integrate in psychotherapy, namely theories, approaches, the client and what the client integrates in his life, the psychotherapist, the therapeutic relationship, the processes that take place and other elements.

We ilustrate the strategies of integration according to Norcross:

1. The integrated development of new theories in psychotherapy

2. The integration of concrete specific procedures

3. The integration of therapeutic vocabulary

4. The integration of the framework

5.  The integration of commune aspects of approaches

6. Diagnostic and prescription

The approach during the workshop will be applicative using the clinical experience and case studies.



 Psih. Michael RANDOLPH


  Looking Carefully at Wellness”



      What we think we mean by “wellness” has been a source of discussion and potent disagreement over the last 100 years. In Psychiatric terminology we are presumed to be compensating for a tendency to psychic degeneration or dislocation between potentially warring sections of our psychological make-up. In order to avoid de-compensation, that is psychosis, we remain firmly compensated, the ego aided by the superego controlling the unruly id. Freud implied that happiness was essentially the absence of un-happiness. Others, like Abraham Maslow, strongly disagreed. “A man’s reach should exceed his grasp. Else what’s heaven for?” they thought, following the poet Robert Browning. The human being looks for more than just an end to unhappiness. He also seeks deep satisfaction and joy. Peak experiences mould him as potently as traumas.  Of course this depends a lot on who you are actually dealing with. Coming to terms with neurosis has been seen as the equivalent of stopping hitting your head against the wall. There’s a lot to be said for it.

      I will talk about the dichotomy between emotional suffering and psychological misery. I will look at why an understanding of the duo mother/child makes a huge amount of difference to how we perceive the human being in his world, and to how taking the world into consideration, not just the individual, has marked a sea-change in our perception of the psychological make-up of each of us. I will also look at the thorny issue of relationships and how recent encouragements towards a more pro-active stance to making them “work” are not just naïve Do It Yourself waffling, but actually offers surprising potential to reconcile Me and You in ways that mirror the complex balance between the within and the without. I will also offer some thoughts on how body-psychotherapy perceptions of groundedness and centering are essential stepping stones to any coherent model of wellness. Depending on time and numbers, some exercises may be proposed.



Ps. Clinician Coca DUMITRU, Logoped Ramona PAVEL, Psih. Maria CALIN, Neuropsihiatru Cristina SERBAN


Case studies: Integrativ psychotherapeutic approach and interventios in establishing well being in clients life”



      The present workshop follows closely the professional activity of the integrative psychotherapist in colaboration with the psychiatrist, with the speech therapist and a clinician psychologist in the development of two case studies. This active inter- and pluridisciplinar collaboration led to some very benefic rezults for the two clients with two different disorders: one of them having a Social Fobia (17 years) and the other one diagnosed with Elements form Autistic Spectrum, delays in language development with attention deficit (4 years). The relationship clinical psychologist – client, the therapeutic alliance client- speech therapist and the psyhcotherapeutic intervention on the mother of the child created a propitious and productive climat for the evolution of both cases presented. Also, the           efficiency of the interventions determined the emphasis of the rezults and the collaboration of the four specialists.

     We mention that due to confidentiality issues, the name and date of the clients have been changed.


Prof. Univ. Dr. Mihai ANITEI , Psih. Viorel PASCA


Exploration of the biological dimension, in integrative psychotherapy, with the help of physiological indicators”









Psih. Domnica PETROVAI

 Depression as  form of avoiding future losses”


     This workshop aims to bring into discussion one of the cognitive mechanisms of depression namely that of avoiding future losses starting from the following statements: “You have suffered important losses and you have so very few things left. The most appropriate thing is to be very, very cautious. Don’t assume other risks, because if you lose even more, you will end up with nothing. You have to do few things with minor risks. So that you won’t lose again. You can lose everything. Wait to be sure and then act. Gather as much information as you can in order to ensure that there is no danger of loss. Protect yourself with all the possible costs!! ”



Mediator Daniel VIERU

Elements of conflict management in the dynamic of divorce ”


Several causes and factors are relevant in dysfunctional evolvement of the couple dynamics. If, common recognized elements names financial disagreements, lack of sexual satisfaction and poor communication (quantitative and qualitative) as the main core for divorce, another factor may play a significant role in this process: conflict management of the disputes, at the level of values, lifestyles, decision, etc.

      The workshop is proposing to debate the main issues for conflicts, escalation steps and different ways to intervene, specific to each level of the conflict. A series of techniques, neutral approaches over the couple disputes are offered to those interested in family conflicts, students or experienced therapists.



Prof. Univ. Dr. Ruxandra RASCANU, Mara PRICEPUTU


„Current research in psychology and psychotherapy“



“The analysis of defense mechanisms and coping strategies in the medical personnel of the intensive care ward, University Hospital Timisoara”   

Prof.univ.dr. Ruxandra Răşcanu,PhD student Mara Priceputu, PhD student Dănuţ Craşovan,

"The influence of self-esteem subtypes on aggression in young people”

Authors: C. D. Marineanu (*),V. Marineanu (*)

Affiliation:  (*) Ministry of National Defense

Objective and subjective in approaching well-being in integrative psychotherapy”

Prof.univ.dr. Ruxandra RĂŞCANU



Emilija Stoimenova, Ken Evans, Joanna Hewitt – Evans, Karen Davies-Hough, Lidija Pecotic, Margit Reenburg, Mara Priceputu, Dubravka Kocijan Hercoigonja, Margerita Mesic

„Working Together for Children”



The Panel will outine and discuss the following areas:


•           EIATCYP requirements for training standards for therapy with children and young people along with the need for interdisciplinary comunication in the act of psychologycal, social, pedagogical and medical support for children and young people

•           The vision of EIATCYP

•           A short presentation of the eurocps programme for training child therapists


•           Delivery of training in the members nations of EIATCYP.


A Panel presented by members of the Board of the European Interdisciplinary Association for Therapy wth Children and Young People