Definition and characteristics of integrative psychotherapy
Author : Psychotherapist Mara Priceputu

            In the professional literature usually a distinction is made between “integrative” and “eclectic”; the integrative approach is often described as a comprehensive and coherent inner processing, while eclecticism in general, refers to a process more of choosing randomly “what functions” in a particular situation. However, we notice the dynamic way in which many clinicians in practice run an integrative process accompanying a person in the process of personal growth and gradual change, developing a new individual style of behaviour and functionality.
Integration comes from the Latin word “integer”, which means to make a whole and integration, to make fully, integrality, complete and it refers to a part which enters in an assembly. In philosophy, it is establishing a close interdependence between different parts of a living organism, of a society. In psychology, this term refers to the inclusion of new elements in a system. Synonyms of these terms are: assimilation, amalgamation, incorporation, union.    
            Each psychotherapy has its own modality of orientation and the “area of expertise”, and the relationships between the therapeutic forms and strategies can compensate their weaknesses. more