The Romanian Institute for Integrative Psychotherapy is a professional non-governmental organization that regards the fields of psychology and integrative psychotherapy, accredited by the Romanian Psychologists’ College and the European Association for Integrative Psychotherapy . The activities conducted by the Romanian Institute of Integrative Psychotherapy are in accordance with the standards and norms of the European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP), World Association for Psychotherapy (WAP), the Romanian Psychologists’ College (CPR), the Romanian Doctors’ College (CMR) and the Romanian Federation for Psychotherapy (FRP).
The I.R.P.I. objectives include:

  • Elaborating and implementing the training programs for integrative psychotherapists
  • Elaborating and implementing the continuous training programs
  • Organizing trainings, specialization courses and summer schools
  • Developing research projects that would lead to the development in the fields of psychology and integrative psychotherapy
  • Promoting integrative psychotherapy in Romania
  • Founding information and documentation centers
  • Organizing and participating in scientific events, aiming at presenting the outcomes of the activities conducted by the Romanian Institute for Integrative Psychotherapy and establish collaborations with other professionals
  • Elaborating and implementing projects in the social field, aiming at improving services regarding mental health, increasing the level of information for segments of population confronted with certain psychological problems,  increasing the level of social inclusion, getting involved in activities of professional reconversion, etc.
  • Publishing scientific materials regarding integrative psychotherapy
  • Theoretical and methodological alignment regarding the European standards for integrative psychotherapists

I.R.P.I. values are represented by:
I.R.P.I. Departments:
The Training Department
The Documentation and Information Department
The Promotion and Development Department
The Scientific Events Department
The Research Department